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SQL (Structured Query Language)
Total Entries: 11 - Total Views: 13,892
SQL (Structured Query Language) Is a database computer language designed for managing data in relational database management systems (RDBMS), and originally based upon Relational Algebra. (Above taken from Wikipedia) SQL Language can make your web development dreams a reality if you know how to write the scripts properly. You can easily take your database (SQL Server, Access, MySQL, and Oracle) and output any type of information that you so desire within simple to highly technical coding sequences. - 7.
SQL Server
Total Entries: 8 - Total Views: 11,927
Queries are used to run against your database to produce results based on the query written. Using Queries you are also able to modify the database structure and ownership among other things. It is best to learn how you can about Queries and how to protect yourself against possible SQL, XSS Injections before hosting your site on a live server. - 26.
Microsoft Access
Total Entries: 1 - Total Views: 3,708
Microsoft Access Database. Can be used for web data storage for up to 2 Gb of Data.