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Coding Article #: 37 - Published On: July 12, 2012 @ 21:49:34 PM - Last Updated on: July 13, 2012
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Have a lot of records in your database, that you need to page through? If the answer is yes, then this is the code for you.
#1: Display your records in Columns
#2: Page through your records, instead of having them all display on the same page.
This code does it all in one simple easy to use the script.
Customize the CSS code, to give the page your very own twist, to suit your site's needs.
We use the Paging System demonstrated here, on all of our sites.
When you see the paging, this is it. We have it customized with a lot of CSS goodies, to fit into our pages look and feel.
View Live Example«
First, we need to add in some constants. These will allow us to create our ROWS and COLUMNS.
In this case, we are getting 5 Columns and 20 ROWS
Next, we need to get our DATABASE connection.
Below, you can choose to use either JET or Microsoft Access Driver.
Next, we will create our paging system.
Now, we can add in some CSS.
Next, is all the code for the table.
And last, we create our numbers for our paging.
#1: Display your records in Columns
#2: Page through your records, instead of having them all display on the same page.
This code does it all in one simple easy to use the script.
Customize the CSS code, to give the page your very own twist, to suit your site's needs.
We use the Paging System demonstrated here, on all of our sites.
When you see the paging, this is it. We have it customized with a lot of CSS goodies, to fit into our pages look and feel.
View Live Example«
First, we need to add in some constants. These will allow us to create our ROWS and COLUMNS.
In this case, we are getting 5 Columns and 20 ROWS
Dim itemIndex, cellIndex
Next, we need to get our DATABASE connection.
Below, you can choose to use either JET or Microsoft Access Driver.
Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & _
Server.MapPath ("Database1.mdb") & ";"
' OR
objConn.ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=" & _
Server.MapPath ("Database1.mdb")
Next, we will create our paging system.
Set sql = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
sql.Prepared = true
Set objRs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
if request("NumPerPage") <> 0 Then NumPerPage = Int(request("NumPerPage")) Else NumPerPage = 100 end if
sql.commandtext="SELECT ID, MyTitle FROM Table1"
if Request.QueryString("page") = "" Then
CurrentPage = 1 'We're On the first page
NumPerPageOf = 1
CurrentPage = CInt(Request.QueryString("page"))
NumPerPageOf = ((CurrentPage * NumPerPage) - NumPerPage) + 1
End if
objRs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
objRs.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
objRs.LockType = adLockreadonly
'objRs.open searchsql
objRs.open sql
Number = objRs.RecordCount
if Not objRs.EOF Then
objRs.PageSize = NumPerPage
TotalPages = objRs.PageCount
objRs.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
End if
ScriptName = request.servervariables("ScriptName")
Now, we can add in some CSS.
<style type="text/css">
font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
Next, is all the code for the table.
'Print the recent Data
response.write "<br/><br/><hr style=""background-color:#CCCCCC"">Showing page <strong>" & CurrentPage & "</strong> of <strong>" & TotalPages & "</strong>: Total of Friends: <strong>" & Number & "</strong>"
If objRs.EOF Then
Response.Write "No Data Found"
Response.Write "<table style=""border:1px double #000;"">"
Do While Not objRS.EOF And objRS.AbsolutePage = CurrentPage
cellIndex = 0
Response.Write "<tr>" ' Creates the beginning table row tag
Do While cellIndex < MAX_CELLS_PER_ROW
Response.Write "<td style=""border:1px double #000;"">"
itemIndex = 0
Do While itemIndex < MAX_ITEMS_PER_CELL
Response.Write objRs("MyTitle") & "<br />"
If objRS.EOF Then Exit Do
itemIndex = itemIndex + 1
Response.Write "</td>"
cellIndex = cellIndex + 1
If objRS.EOF Then Exit Do
While cellIndex < MAX_CELLS_PER_ROW
Response.Write "<td> </td>"
cellIndex = cellIndex + 1
Response.Write "</tr>" ' Creates the ending table row tag
Response.Write "</table>"
End If
And last, we create our numbers for our paging.
'Creating the paging numbers
'Display PREV page link, if appropriate
if Not CurrentPage = 1 Then
Response.Write "<A href='" & ScriptName & "?id="&MyID&"&NumPerPage=" & NumPerPage & "&page=" & CurrentPage - 1 & "'><font class=""RegNum""><strong>..</strong></font></A> "
if CurrentPage > 5 and TotalPages > 10 Then
Response.write("<A href=" & ScriptName & "?id="&MyID&"&NumPerPage=" & NumPerPage & "&page=1><font class=""RegNum""><strong>1</strong></font></A>" & "<font class=""RegNum""><strong> ... </strong> </font>" )
End if
if TotalPages > 10 Then
if CurrentPage > 5 Then
if TotalPages > (CurrentPage + 5) Then
ini = (CurrentPage - 4)
fim = (CurrentPage + 5)
ini = (TotalPages - 9)
fim = TotalPages
End if
ini = 1
fim = 10
End if
fim = TotalPages
End if
For a = ini To fim
if a = Cint(request("page")) Then ' this is the Number of which page you are currently on, Thus BIG Number.
Response.Write "<font class=""lgNum""><strong>" & a & "</strong></font>"
Response.write("<A href=" & ScriptName & "?id="&MyID&"&NumPerPage=" & NumPerPage & "&page=" & a &"><font class=""RegNum""><strong>" & a & "</strong></font></A>" & " " )
End if
if TotalPages = 1 Then
Response.write ""
' This is the 1 number, when the page first loads. Change this with the CSS to give it a different color.
' When changing this CSS information, this will also affect the "Page you are own" as well. Above.
Response.Write "<font class=""lgNum""><strong>1</strong></font> "
End if
if TotalPages > 10 Then 'id=161&MWC=Layouts
fim = 10
fim = TotalPages
End if
For a = 2 To fim
if a = Cint(request("page")) Then
Response.write( "<font class=""RegNum""><strong>" & a & "</strong></font> ")
Response.write("<A href=" & ScriptName & "?id="&MyID&"&NumPerPage=" & NumPerPage & "&page=" & a &"><font class=""RegNum""><strong>" & a & "</strong></font></A>" & " " )
End if
End if
if CurrentPage < TotalPages - 5 and TotalPages > 10 Then
Response.write("<font class=""RegNum""><strong>... </strong></font><A href=" & ScriptName & "?id="&MyID&"&NumPerPage=" & NumPerPage & "&page=" & TotalPages &"><font class=""RegNum""><strong>" & TotalPages & "</strong></font></A>" & " " )
End if
'Display NEXT page link, if appropriate
if Not CurrentPage = TotalPages Then
Response.Write "<A href='" & ScriptName & "?id="&MyID&"&NumPerPage=" & NumPerPage & "&page=" & CurrentPage + 1 & "'><font class=""RegNum""><strong>..</strong></font></a>"
Response.Write ""
End if
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