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Classic ASP Database Driven Select Menu (Dropdown Menu)
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Classic ASP Database Driven Select Menu to insert data
Coding Article #: 40 - Published On: August 05, 2012 @ 19:07:16 PM - Last Updated on: August 05, 2012
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Coding Source - Classic ASP Database Driven Select Menu (Dropdown Menu)
In this demonstration, you will be able to code your Select Menu loading data from your database quickly and easily. Using this technique is the best way to get your data loaded quickly.

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Next, we need to get our DATABASE connection.
Below, you can choose to use either JET or Microsoft Access Driver.

Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & _
Server.MapPath ("dd.mdb") & ";"

' OR
objConn.ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=" & _
Server.MapPath ("dd.mdb")

Create our Select Statement. We need to get the records from our database, to display to our page.

' Create the Command to start your SQL and then your RecordSet (rsDD)
Set sqlDD = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
sqlDD.Prepared = true
sqlDD.commandtext="SELECT ddid, ddname from myTable"
set rsDD = sqlDD.execute

Next, we create our select Field, and polulate it with our database records.
Always remembering to close our the recordset and the database connection at the end.

<option value="0">Choose</option>
<%if not rsDD.eof then
while not rsDD.eof
id = rsDD("ddid")
ddName = rsDD("ddName")%>
<option value="<%=id%>"><%=ddName%></option>
end if
set rsDD = nothing
set objConn = Nothing%>
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