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SQL Server Insert into Table from another table in the same database
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SQL Server Insert into one table, from another table in another database
Coding Article #: 79 - Published On: July 06, 2017 @ 17:51:39 PM - Last Updated on: July 06, 2017
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Using this simple statement, you will be able to grab records from another table and insert them records into another table, within the same database.

In this example, we have 2 tables with the same column names, ColOne and ColTwo.
We are taking the values from TableOne and inserting (Copying) the records over to TableTwo.

insert into TableTwo (ColOne, ColTwo) select ColOne, ColTwo from TableOne

You can use this statement in a SQL Query Statement in ASP Classic, and ASP.NET as well.

ASP classic.

        Set sql= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
        sql.Prepared = true
        sql.commandtext="insert into TableTwo (ColOne, ColTwo) select ColOne, ColTwo from TableOne"


        strSQL = "insert into TableTwo (ColOne, ColTwo) select ColOne, ColTwo from TableOne"
        objCmd = New OleDbCommand(strSQL, dbconn)
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